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By-Laws and REgulations

A copy of the OLDC By-Laws as well as the rules and regulations for the OLDC properties can be downloaded at the links below.  Please remember that the safe and responsible use of all OLDC properties keeps the lake experience an enjoyable one for everyone!

Note - Otter Lake is located in and governed by the municipality of Clanwilliam Erickson and as such is governed by the municipal by-laws.  Any complaints in regards to animal control, derelict vehicles, or other such matters should be directed to the municipality.  A link to the municipality website including by-laws and services can be located at:

The RM of Clanwilliam-Erickson conducts a Livestream of their meetings which are held the second Wednesday of each month.  Those can be viewed when live at:

***Please note - Rules and By-Laws are currently under review and in the process of being updated***

membership and water renewal form

OLDC By-Laws

OLDC Rules and Regulations

Membership Fee: Pursuant to the incorporation documentation of OLDC, the owner(s) of property at Otter Lake will become a Member of OLDC, upon paying the required Membership Fee annually. If there are two or more owners of a lot, or an owner has more than one lot, a joint membership shall be issued in OLDC, with there being only one (1) vote available per lot membership. Members attendance at the Annual General Meeting of OLDC held August long weekend (Sunday 10 am) are encouraged to have input and participate with respect to OLDC matters. Only Members of OLDC are entitled and authorized to obtain or receive services from OLDC.

Service Fee: In addition to the Membership Fee ($50.00), a Water Service Fee ($200.00 per Lot + $50 for additional units hooked up) shall be payable to OLDC annually by the owner(s) of each property or lot which is receive services (water) from OLDC. In the event the owner(s) of a lot does not wish to pay for services to a lot, that Property or Lot shall receive no services from OLDC. If in the future services are requested for an un-serviced lot, or a lot that has been disconnected, a connection fee to cover a professional plumber shall be payable to OLDC as well as the applicable annual Service Fee.

​Please return the renewal form with your Membership Fee of $50.00, along with payment infull for the Water Service Fee of $200.00 per serviced Lot. This form and funds shall be sent to the Treasurer of OLDC at the address below to be received by OLDC no later than May 31. Make cheque payable to OLDC. E-transfer is also available (see form).

Waste disposal

There is no waste pickup service for Otter Lake cottage owners.  Waste can be disposed of at the landfill located southwest of Erickson, MB.  Hours of operation and more information can be obtained by visiting

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